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Shanti Reflects – My MukkaMaar Fellowship Experience

Shanti Reflects – My MukkaMaar Fellowship Experience

नाम शांती…पर जीवन में बिलकुल शांति नहीं थी…लाईफ की पूरी लगी पड़ी थी…जिंदगी कहा जा रही थी, कौन से रास्ते से जा रही है कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा था। 9 से 5 वाला जॉब था…पैसे मिल रहे थे…भागादौड़ी भी…

Meet Anita and Shraddha

Sense and Sensibility

No matter how well trained, coordinated, or cautious one learns to be, nothing quite prepares you for a situation better than life itself. For a brief moment when someone encounters their privacy being violated, they freeze. The training and practice…

All is well?

All is well?

Image : 3 Idiots In the Hindi picture ‘3 Idiots’, the lead character Rancho mouths an oft-repeated dialogue – ‘All is well…’ as a response to problems faced by him and his friends. The logic stems from the understanding that…

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